Pre-1944 and Historic Character overlay changes
Claudia Page
As part of the Unitary Plan process, Auckland Council released updated maps on 30 October. These show the results of work on the precautionary Pre-1944 building overlay and also changes to the Historic Character overlay( previously called Special Character). Devonport Heritage are investigating the removal of the Historic Character overlay from the end of Stanley Point, which would give it different planning rules with regard to demolition, new buildings and additions and alterations to all other areas on the Devonport Peninsula. We had not been aware of any potential changes to the overlay, which has existed in Devonport for about 20 years. In the map below you can see the area with grey squares at the end of Stanley Point where it is now proposed that the overlay be removed. The blue shading shows areas to be retained. Pre-1944 areas have also been adjusted with a much smaller area now being considered. This particular overlay is likely to have a 'sunset clause' with heritage assessments completed within about 2 years of the plan becoming fully operative.
Check back here soon for updates to this developing story.
PAUP - Revised maps of heritage overlays Devonport. Blue colour denotes Historic Character overlay to be retained. Mauve denotes Pre-1944 overlay to be retained.