An Update on The Government Housing Intensification Act & the implications for Devonport
Spokesperson McRae
What Happened
Despite widespread and rigorous opposition the Government passed the Resource Management Enabling Housing Supply Act that will allow 3 storey, 3 house developments to be built on any residential site in Auckland from August this year.
Ball in Auckland Council’s Court
Auckland Council must now incorporate the changes into the existing Unitary Plan and find ways of increasing housing density throughout the city.
It must re-examine the Special Character Areas overlay that provide protective rules for the older areas of the city, like Devonport.
Devonport’s Current Rules
These rules currently control demolition and restoration of old homes, heights, side and rear boundaries, site coverage and outdoor living areas.
However the Council has been forced to review all houses in these areas and decide which are worthy of remaining in the Special Character Area Overlay (SCA).
Council has decided that only those areas deemed to be of ‘high quality’ will be allowed to remain protected from increased density and be exempt as “qualifying matters” which is defined in the Act.
Our Concern
We believe there are changes coming and fear that some parts of Devonport may be deleted from the Special Character Area to allow 3 storey 3 house developments to take place as of right. The Devonport Flagstaff has this week referred to these proposals.
We oppose shrinking the present Special Character Area Overlay as we believe Devonport has a strong heritage identity within clear geographic boundaries and its historic uniqueness would be compromised if parts are lost.
What Will It Mean if Your House is Deleted from the Special Character Area:
3 Storey Houses and Extensions can be built on your neighbour’s property and yours
Three houses can be built on one site
Up to 11 metres high
Allow buildings up to one metre from side and rear boundaries and
1.5 metre from the front boundary.
Height to boundary requirement of 4 metres high, one metre from each side boundary then increasing on a 60 degrees plane to 11 metres. (currently 3m and 45 degrees)
Minimal design requirements
No resource consent required
Site coverage increased to 50% maximum
This will have a devastating impact on the heritage values and the character of Devonport and on residents’ quality of life. Three storey houses will be allowed as of right, without resource consent - meaning no consultation or input from neighbours.
Combined with the lack of any effective design standards, this will result in ugly structures that block the sun and light to existing and new homes and with no requirements to fit in with the surrounding houses.
Housing near the Devonport Town Centre
The Council Planning Committee last week approved rezoning the residential areas that lie up to 200 metres from the edge of the Devonport Town Centre as a Townhouse and Apartment Block zone. This could allow buildings up to a maximum of 15-16 metres high (5 storeys)
However if the Special Character Area Overlay stays in place this will effectively prevent any such development happening.
These contradictory zoning decisions simply create confusion and anxiety.
They result from the Council making blanket rules about Town Centres and then applying other rules that cancel out the first rules.
We will oppose the new underlying zone for residential areas near the town centre.
Historic Heritage Area
Several older areas of Auckland have a special Historic Heritage Area zone and we are proposing that council rezone the Victoria Road shopping area as an Historic Heritage Area in order to recognise and further protect its significant character.
Devonport Heritage Will Ask Council to:
Retain the Special Character Area Overlay for the whole of Devonport
Retain the Height Sensitive Area for Devonport of 9 metres
Retain the Volcanic Cone Viewshafts to Devonport’s two maunga
Delete the Townhouse and Apartment Block zone for residential areas on the edge of the Devonport Town Centre
Make Victoria Road shopping area an Historic Heritage Area.
What Can You Do?
The proposal to change the extent of the Special Character Areas will go to the Council Planning Committee on 31 March and will be released publicly in April.
There will be three weeks for residents and other stakeholders to give feedback on the proposals.
Councillors and local board members already have information on the proposals.
So now is the time to contact your Devonport/Takapuna Local Board members and Auckland councillors to express your concerns for the damage to Devonport’s heritage value if higher density housing is allowed. (their emails listed below)
Include in Your Request:
that Devonport’s Special Character Area must remain intact
you oppose the THAB for residential areas adjacent to the Town Centre
you support extra protections for the Victoria Road shopping centre
that you value Devonport’s heritage identity.
We are already working with architects and resource consent planners to make a strong and expert case to Auckland Council.
We would appreciate any donations to help us make the strongest case we possibly can to defend Devonport from the Government’s devastating new laws. See our website for details on how you can support us at
When the council invites feedback in April, do send in your comments. The more people who respond, the more they will have to listen.
Auckland councillors’ emails:
Could this happen in Devonport?